El Camino Healthcare District (ECHD) News

Healthcare district grant helps train teachers working with at-risk students
Running around playing is part of being a child. It comes as naturally to kids as breathing. Add to this the longer sunlit days of summer and one thing is certain: the coming months will see an increase in outdoor youth sports.
The words "nutrition," "diet" and "food" are often used interchangeably, but "nutrition" stands apart as a key indicator of a person’s health at every stage in life.
The American Heart Association was established 100 years ago by six cardiologists who believed that scientific research could lead to better treatment, prevention and a cure for heart disease.

Community organizations that provide health-related services in Santa Clara County are now invited to apply for grant support from the El Camino Healthcare District and El Camino Health for the coming year.

Seniors remain the fastest growing age group in the U.S. and by 2030, Santa Clara County estimates that more than a quarter of all residents will be 60 or older.

According to a recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there could be as many as 220,000 people under age 20 with Type 2 diabetes by 2060, an increase of nearly 700 percent.

Mental health counselors at the Mountain View Los Altos Union High School District noticed a shift among the students.

The El Camino Healthcare District and El Camino Health announced today that they will jointly grant $11.02 million to support local health programs and initiatives in the coming year.

A new slate of officers was elected Tuesday to oversee the El Camino Healthcare District Board. The board selects new leadership every two years.

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